
It's a girl ...

Hello there,

It’s been a while since I have written anything and I need to get to it. I did what feels like a crazy thing, and got myself a puppy. A Husky/Malamute mix. Maybe a Bulldog is more stubborn. It feels like a toss up. Anyway, I have put together some of my memorable moments with Astra. It’s been almost two weeks, so I am clearly late, but here is Day 1.

Thanks for reading,


Day 1

Sunday, October 17, 2021

I’ve been wanting a dog for a while now, and today it finally happened. I picked her up today, so she is officially mine. Or, more likely, I am officially hers.

First of all, the drive out to Rockland was made more complicated by Google Maps.  It told me the highway was closed in sections, but I have my doubts. I still panicked, took an exit I thought was a good option, changed my mind, got back on the highway, and let the lady (who, by the way, has worse pronunciation of French makes mine sound like a symphony in comparison), to the right exit. 

Can I just say, I hate roundabouts. I think it was the Europeans who invented them to make traffic flow better, but I think they’re ridiculous. I’ll let you decide whether I am talking about roundabouts or Europeans.

Miraculously, the highway reopened for the drive back. This was much less stressful for me, and consequently for the pup.

She stopped crying within 5 minutes (thank heavens) and settled in nicely on the drive home. She’d stick her head up to see what was going on, and lie back down in the Rubbermaid tub I scrounged up at the last minute to bring her home in, after realizing the box I had was not going to cut it for a husky/malamute pup. 

Kinda wonder why I have to be so enamored with large dogs.  Can’t I just be a satisfied with a full-grown dog I could tuck in my purse? 

But, as you can see from her picture, how can anyone resist such cuteness?
