Ellie Potvin completed an English degree from the University of Ottawa. She hosted Ellie’s Read on Ottawa, a television series for Rogers community television, where she interviewed local authors.

She is currently working on a humorous novel, The Canadians are Coming – One Man’s Quest to Take Over the World.

Ellie lives in her hometown, Ottawa, Canada, but dreams of the Mediterranean.
One day …

Excerpt from Toast

“My father driving, my mother in the passenger’s seat, singing along to some old Country and Western tune playing on the 1987 car radio. We had just bought a new car and were excited that we had graduated from an 8-Track to a Tape Deck. We were a modern family living in a modern world.

I remember the car climbing the hill, its gears shifting automatically, to adjust. Would we make it? Would the car be able to conquer this concrete hill, made by man, as though it were a test of our determination and persistence? I could barely contain my enthusiasm. We were going to conquer this hill. My dad was a big, strong farmer after all. He could conquer anything. I held my breath, waiting in anticipation.”

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