
Friends, Romans, countrymen...


I realized since posting the first blog that I should have created an introductory blog. (This is where impulsive Ellie to take a step back and think!)

If you have landed on this page, “Welcome”. I hope you gain something from what I say in these pages.

My hope is that this blog will become a community for writers, where we can share our struggles, our successes, our trials and how we overcame, lessons learned, etc. Sharing our thoughts, wisdom and all that jazz would be great.

I am blessed with great friends, but since they’re not writers, they don’t always understand me. As I recall from taking a screenwriting camp some years ago, Hollywood thinks of writers as being a “necessary evil”. That’s fine - I’ve never been too fond of Hollywood anyway!

Here begins the journey. Again, I say, “Welcome”.

Until next time,
