Astra the Cone-head

December 6, 2021


I know it’s been some time since I’ve written about Astra. 

To quote a random stranger (fellow dog-owner), “Puppies are a nightmare.”

Yes they are.  I highly recommend goldfish. They’re no trouble at all, and whoever heard of someone going to pieces when their goldfish went to goldfish heaven. No one.  That’s who.

The last month and a half have been busy. With end of year work, training a puppy, and let’s just say it, the stress of Covid and another new bloody variant, I am pretty worn out from it all. 

So, last week Astra began vomiting and had some serious diarrhea. (Apologies to those with weak stomachs.)  In hindsight, I should have called the vet sooner. I had to take her to emergency on Sunday morning.  

Then yesterday, as soon as she ate, she tossed it back out again like that moment when the pinata breaks open. Except pinatas are filled with candy. Astra was filled with kibble, a piece of her pee pad and another piece of paper she had swallowed.  (I clearly missed that last one!)

I had a good cry yesterday and thanks to the support of some fellow dog owners, friends and my mom, I muddled through.

Also said a prayer that the obstruction in her intestine would dissolve.  And guess what. It did!  The vet confirmed at five a.m. this morning that the material that looked like hard plastic, was now granular.  Praise God!

(I know there’s some people who don’t believe in God, and that’s fine. I just have to give Him thanks and praise for answering my prayers because I believe He answered them.  Otherwise, I would be a hypocrite.  With so many human weaknesses and failings, I don’t want to add that one to the list today, so I happily, gratefully, and publicly give glory to God!)

Also, a big thanks to the staff at the Lola Emergency Hospital.  They took good care of my girl, so “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

I still have to monitor her closely, give her some meds, and am still waiting for some test results to come back.  But, I am feeling much more peaceful today.

I think Astra is too. At least I hope she is. When leaving the clinic, she was pretty tentative to follow the staff member. I had to go stand at the bottom of the steps, take off my mask, and say, “Astra. It’s me.” She didn’t seem all that amused to be quite honest, but I was her safest bet, so down she came.

We’ll start to grow on each other. Eventually. :)

Thanks for reading,


P.S. For those of you with pets at emergency clinics, I feel your pain.  Take good care of yourself too!